Form: 8-K

Current report filing

August 7, 2024

Exhibit 99.1
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. Reports Results
for the Second Quarter of 2024
San Antonio, TX, August 7, 2024 – Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO) (the “Company”) today reported financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024.
“We delivered second quarter consolidated revenue of $559 million, an increase of 5.2%, or 5.4% excluding movements in foreign exchange rates, with growth in our America, Airports and Europe-North segments,” said Scott Wells, Chief Executive Officer of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. “Our performance reflects healthy demand from advertisers across the majority of our markets, with notable strength in our Airports and Europe-North segments. We also benefited from solid execution across a range of ongoing initiatives aimed at broadening our revenue base.
“In our America segment, we believe advertisers are increasingly recognizing the value of our digital billboard platform, now reaching over 70% of U.S. adults monthly in our served markets, as well as our data analytics capabilities, which enable us to target particular audiences and effectively measure advertisers’ campaigns. Supporting our technology investments, we’re also continuing to strategically expand our sales team, primarily at the local level. These efforts have elevated our presence in key verticals and strengthened our ability to monetize our inventory, offsetting some of the industry-wide softness in the national business.
“Looking ahead, we have modestly increased our full year 2024 consolidated revenue, Adjusted EBITDA and AFFO guidance given the strength in Airports and Europe-North. We remain focused on delivering on our strategic roadmap, including enhancing profitability, focusing on our higher-margin U.S. assets, continuing the Europe-North and Latin American sales processes and strengthening our balance sheet.”

Financial Highlights:
Financial highlights for the second quarter of 2024 as compared to the same period of 2023, including financial highlights excluding movements in foreign exchange rates (“FX”)1:
(In millions) Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 % Change
Consolidated Revenue2
$ 558.5  5.2  %
Excluding movements in FX1,2
559.6  5.4  %
America Revenue
290.2  0.9  %
Airports Revenue
86.2  21.4  %
Europe-North Revenue
164.7  9.9  %
Excluding movements in FX1
165.1  10.1  %
Net Loss:
Loss from Continuing Operations (48.3) 24.5  %
Adjusted EBITDA1:
Adjusted EBITDA1,2
142.9  (0.1) %
Excluding movements in FX1,2
142.9  (0.1) %
America Segment Adjusted EBITDA3
127.0  (2.0) %
Airports Segment Adjusted EBITDA3
19.1  16.8  %
Europe-North Segment Adjusted EBITDA3
32.6  24.5  %
Excluding movements in FX1
32.7  24.7  %
1This is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
2Financial highlights exclude results of discontinued operations. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
3Segment Adjusted EBITDA is a GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.


Our expectations for the third quarter of 2024 are as follows:
Third Quarter of 2024
% change from prior year
(in millions) Low High
Consolidated Revenue1,2
$ 542  $ 567  % %
America 287  297  % %
Airports 79  84  % 11  %
157  167  % 12  %
1Excludes movements in FX
2Excludes results of discontinued operations
We have updated our full year 2024 guidance from the guidance previously provided in our earnings release issued on May 9, 2024, as follows:
Full Year of 2024
% change from prior year
(in millions) Low High
Consolidated Revenue1,2
$ 2,215  $ 2,275  % %
America 1,135  1,165  % %
Airports 350  365  12  % 17  %
653  668  % %
Loss from Continuing Operations1
(160) (135) % (14) %
Adjusted EBITDA1,2,3
560  590  % 10  %
90  110  % 33  %
Capital Expenditures2
130  150  (10) % %
1Excludes movements in FX
2Excludes results of discontinued operations
3This is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
Expected results and estimates may be impacted by factors outside of the Company’s control, and actual results may be materially different from this guidance. See “Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements” herein.

Results provided herein exclude amounts related to discontinued operations for all periods presented.
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
  2024 2023 2024 2023
America $ 290,207  $ 287,517  0.9  % $ 539,984  $ 523,566  3.1  %
Airports 86,219  71,045  21.4  % 163,145  124,834  30.7  %
Europe-North 164,735  149,909  9.9  % 304,128  278,412  9.2  %
Other 17,380  22,349  (22.2) % 33,036  41,428  (20.3) %
Consolidated Revenue $ 558,541  $ 530,820  5.2  % $ 1,040,293  $ 968,240  7.4  %
Revenue excluding movements in FX1:
America $ 290,207  $ 287,517  0.9  % $ 539,984  $ 523,566  3.1  %
Airports 86,219  71,045  21.4  % 163,145  124,834  30.7  %
Europe-North 165,079  149,909  10.1  % 301,165  278,412  8.2  %
Other 18,059  22,349  (19.2) % 33,325  41,428  (19.6) %
Consolidated Revenue excluding movements in FX $ 559,564  $ 530,820  5.4  % $ 1,037,619  $ 968,240  7.2  %
1This is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
Revenue for the second quarter of 2024, as compared to the same period of 2023:
America: Revenue up 0.9%:
Revenue up in most markets, most notably Miami, driven by increased demand and digital deployments
Digital revenue up 4.1% to $102.4 million from $98.4 million
National sales comprised 35.0% of America revenue
Airports: Revenue up 21.4%:
Strong demand across portfolio, led by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey airports and the San Francisco International Airport; growth largely attributable to new advertising customers
Digital revenue up 14.6% to $48.3 million from $42.1 million
National sales comprised 57.7% of Airports revenue
Europe-North: Revenue up 9.9%; excluding movements in FX, up 10.1%:
Higher revenue in most countries, most notably Sweden and the U.K., due to increased demand and digital deployments; partially offset by loss of transit contract in Norway
Digital revenue up 18.0% to $93.9 million from $79.5 million; digital revenue, excluding movements in FX, up 17.9% to $93.8 million
Other: Revenue down 22.2%; excluding movements in FX, down 19.2%:
Loss of contract in Singapore

Direct Operating and SG&A Expenses1:
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
  2024 2023 2024 2023
Direct operating and SG&A expenses:
America $ 163,334  $ 158,004  3.4  % $ 318,018  $ 312,702  1.7  %
Airports 67,139  54,711  22.7  % 125,079  102,236  22.3  %
Europe-North 131,999  123,987  6.5  % 256,263  245,552  4.4  %
Other 18,050  18,838  (4.2) % 34,667  37,548  (7.7) %
Consolidated Direct operating and SG&A expenses2
$ 380,522  $ 355,540  7.0  % $ 734,027  $ 698,038  5.2  %
Direct operating and SG&A expenses excluding movements in FX3:
America $ 163,334  $ 158,004  3.4  % $ 318,018  $ 312,702  1.7  %
Airports 67,139  54,711  22.7  % 125,079  102,236  22.3  %
Europe-North 132,275  123,987  6.7  % 253,763  245,552  3.3  %
Other 18,852  18,838  0.1  % 35,256  37,548  (6.1) %
Consolidated Direct operating and SG&A expenses excluding movements in FX $ 381,600  $ 355,540  7.3  % $ 732,116  $ 698,038  4.9  %
1“Direct operating and SG&A expenses” as presented throughout this earnings release refers to the sum of direct operating expenses (excluding depreciation and amortization) and selling, general and administrative expenses (excluding depreciation and amortization).
2Includes restructuring and other costs of $0.7 million and $0.3 million during the three months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $1.5 million and $0.6 million during the six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
3This is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
Direct operating and SG&A expenses for the second quarter of 2024, as compared to the same period of 2023:
America: Direct operating and SG&A expenses up 3.4%:
Higher compensation costs driven by increased headcount, pay increases and higher variable-incentive compensation
Higher credit loss expense related to specific reserves for certain customers
Site lease expense down 1.0%, to $84.7 million from $85.5 million, driven by the renegotiation of an existing contract and lower revenue-share rent payments
Airports: Direct operating and SG&A expenses up 22.7%:
Site lease expense up 23.4%, to $52.8 million from $42.8 million, driven by higher revenue and lower rent abatements
Higher production, installation and maintenance costs driven by revenue growth
Higher compensation costs largely driven by sales commissions
Europe-North: Direct operating and SG&A expenses up 6.5%; excluding movements in FX, up 6.7%:
Higher property taxes and rental costs for additional digital displays
Higher compensation costs driven by pay increases and variable-incentive compensation
Site lease expense up 1.6%, to $59.2 million from $58.3 million; site lease expense, excluding movements in FX, up 2.0% to $59.5 million mainly driven by higher revenue, partially offset by contract loss in Norway
Other: Direct operating and SG&A expenses down 4.2%; excluding movements in FX, up 0.1%

Corporate Expenses1:
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
  2024 2023 2024 2023
Corporate expenses2
$ 44,704  $ 58,316  (23.3) % $ 84,830  $ 94,496  (10.2) %
Corporate expenses excluding movements in FX3
44,685  58,316  (23.4) % 84,476  94,496  (10.6) %
1Certain costs that were historically allocated to the Company’s Europe-South segment and reported within SG&A expenses, totaling $1.0 million and $2.9 million during the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, respectively, have been deemed to be costs of continuing operations and are now reported within corporate expenses for all periods presented.
2Includes restructuring and other costs of $1.4 million and $19.7 million during the three months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $3.9 million and $19.6 million during the six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Restructuring and other costs for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 include an expense of $19.0 million recorded for the resolution of the investigation of the Company’s former indirect, non-wholly-owned subsidiary, Clear Media Limited.
3This is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
Corporate expenses for the second quarter of 2024, as compared to the same period of 2023, down 23.3%; excluding movements in FX, down 23.4%:
Lower restructuring and other costs driven by $19.0 million legal liability recorded in prior year for resolution of the Clear Media Limited investigation
Partially offset by increase of $5.6 million for higher employee compensation costs (excluding share-based compensation), largely driven by bonuses and insurance benefits, and certain legal costs associated with property and casualty settlements
Loss from Continuing Operations:
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
  2024 2023 2024 2023
Loss from continuing operations $ (48,313) $ (38,806) 24.5  % $ (136,976) $ (131,411) 4.2  %

Adjusted EBITDA1:
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
  2024 2023 2024 2023
Segment Adjusted EBITDA2:
America $ 126,980  $ 129,513  (2.0) % $ 222,444  $ 210,878  5.5  %
Airports 19,082  16,334  16.8  % 38,164  22,598  68.9  %
Europe-North 32,649  26,234  24.5  % 46,974  33,406  40.6  %
Other 3,511  (99.8) % 206  3,880  (94.7) %
Total Segment Adjusted EBITDA 178,717  175,592  1.8  % 307,788  270,762  13.7  %
Adjusted Corporate expenses1,3
(35,797) (32,545) 10.0  % (68,162) (64,749) 5.3  %
Adjusted EBITDA1
$ 142,920  $ 143,047  (0.1) % $ 239,626  $ 206,013  16.3  %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA excluding movements in FX1:
America $ 126,980  $ 129,513  (2.0) % $ 222,444  $ 210,878  5.5  %
Airports 19,082  16,334  16.8  % 38,164  22,598  68.9  %
Europe-North 32,716  26,234  24.7  % 46,522  33,406  39.3  %
Other (109) 3,511  (103.1) % (80) 3,880  (102.1) %
Total Segment Adjusted EBITDA 178,669  175,592  1.8  % 307,050  270,762  13.4  %
Adjusted Corporate expenses excluding movements in FX1,3
(35,780) (32,545) 9.9  % (67,834) (64,749) 4.8  %
Adjusted EBITDA excluding movements in FX1
$ 142,889  $ 143,047  (0.1) % $ 239,216  $ 206,013  16.1  %
1This is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
2Segment Adjusted EBITDA is a GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
3Certain costs that were historically included in Segment Adjusted EBITDA for the Europe-South segment have been deemed to be costs of continuing operations and have been reclassified to Adjusted Corporate expenses for all periods presented.
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
  2024 2023 2024 2023
$ 25,338  $ 28,855  (12.2) % $ 9,014  $ (14,805) NM
AFFO excluding movements in FX1,2
25,298  28,855  (12.3) % 8,514  (14,805) NM
1This is a non-GAAP financial measure. See “Supplemental Disclosures” section herein for more information.
2Percentage changes that are so large as to not be meaningful have been designated as “NM.”
Capital Expenditures:
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
  2024 2023 2024 2023
America $ 13,450  $ 18,888  (28.8) % $ 22,273  $ 35,696  (37.6) %
Airports 1,807  2,559  (29.4) % 3,446  7,310  (52.9) %
Europe-North 4,768  4,081  16.8  % 14,128  11,147  26.7  %
Other 736  1,036  (29.0) % 2,094  2,957  (29.2) %
Corporate 2,073  3,826  (45.8) % 4,928  6,656  (26.0) %
Consolidated capital expenditures $ 22,834  $ 30,390  (24.9) % $ 46,869  $ 63,766  (26.5) %

Markets and Displays:
As of June 30, 2024, we operated more than 308,000 print and digital out-of-home advertising displays in 19 countries as part of our continuing operations, with the majority of our revenue generated by operations in the U.S. and Europe. As of June 30, 2024, we had presence in 82 Designated Market Areas (“DMAs”) in the U.S., including 43 of the top 50 U.S. markets, and in 12 countries throughout Europe, excluding markets that are considered discontinued operations.
Number of digital displays added, net, in second quarter
Total number of displays as of June 30, 2024
Digital Printed Total
25  1,879  33,170  35,049 
Other displays3
—  611  13,756  14,367 
105  2,542  10,366  12,908 
Europe-North 521  16,125  225,066  241,191 
14  1,077  3,861  4,938 
Total displays 665  22,234  286,219  308,453 
1As of June 30, 2024, our America segment had presence in 28 U.S. DMAs.
2Billboards includes bulletins, posters, spectaculars and wallscapes.
3Other displays includes street furniture and transit displays.
4As of June 30, 2024, our Airports segment had displays across nearly 200 commercial and private airports in the U.S. and the Caribbean.
Clear Channel International B.V.
Clear Channel International B.V. (“CCIBV”), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and the borrower under the CCIBV Term Loan Facility, includes the operations of our Europe-North and Europe-South segments, as well as Singapore, which is included in “Other.” The financial results of Singapore have historically been immaterial to the results of CCIBV, and revenue and expenses for the Singapore business were further reduced in the first quarter of 2024 due to the loss of a contract.
As the current and former businesses in the Europe-South segment are considered discontinued operations, results of these businesses are reported as a separate component of Consolidated net income in the CCIBV Consolidated Statements of Income for all periods presented and are excluded from the discussion below.
CCIBV results from continuing operations for the second quarter of 2024 as compared to the same period of 2023 are as follows:
CCIBV revenue increased 6.4% to $164.8 million from $154.9 million. Excluding the $0.3 million impact of movements in FX, CCIBV revenue increased 6.6% as higher revenue from our Europe-North segment, as described in the above “Results” section of this earnings release, was partially offset by the loss of a contract in Singapore.
CCIBV operating income was $10.3 million compared to $3.1 million in the same period of 2023.

Liquidity and Financial Position:
Cash and Cash Equivalents:
As of June 30, 2024, we had $189.3 million of cash on our balance sheet, including $44.6 million of cash held outside the U.S. (excludes cash held by our business in Spain, which is a discontinued operation).
The following table summarizes our cash flows for the six months ended June 30, 2024 on a consolidated basis, including both continuing and discontinued operations:
(In thousands) Six Months Ended
June 30, 2024
Net cash used for operating activities $ (3,972)
Net cash used for investing activities1
Net cash used for financing activities (5,711)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash (2,093)
Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash $ (62,604)
Cash paid for interest $ 218,521 
Cash paid for income taxes, net of refunds $ 9,896 
1Includes capital expenditures for discontinued operations of $5.0 million.
We anticipate having cash interest payment obligations of approximately $216 million during the remainder of 2024, including the first semi-annual interest payment on the 7.875% Senior Secured Notes Due 2030 (the “CCOH 7.875% Senior Secured Notes”), due in October, and $422 million in 2025, assuming that we do not refinance or incur additional debt.
Our next debt maturities are in 2027 when the $1.25 billion aggregate principal amount of 5.125% Senior Secured Notes Due 2027 and the $375.0 million principal amount outstanding under the CCIBV Term Loan Facility become due.
Please refer to Table 3 in this earnings release for additional detail regarding our outstanding debt balance.

TABLE 1 - Financial Highlights of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. and its Subsidiaries:
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
2024 2023 2024 2023
Revenue $ 558,541  $ 530,820  $ 1,040,293  $ 968,240 
Operating expenses:
Direct operating expenses1
281,625  266,226  542,462  518,829 
Selling, general and administrative expenses1
98,897  89,314  191,565  179,209 
Corporate expenses1
44,704  58,316  84,830  94,496 
Depreciation and amortization 53,883  64,502  108,173  128,710 
Impairment charges2
18,073  —  18,073  — 
Other operating expense, net 4,622  23  6,061  3,943 
Operating income 56,737  52,439  89,129  43,053 
Interest expense, net (107,410) (104,733) (215,065) (207,233)
Loss on extinguishment of debt
—  —  (4,787) — 
Other income (expense), net3
(98) 12,211  (8,444) 20,991 
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes (50,771) (40,083) (139,167) (143,189)
Income tax benefit attributable to continuing operations 2,458  1,277  2,191  11,778 
Loss from continuing operations (48,313) (38,806) (136,976) (131,411)
Income from discontinued operations4
9,679  2,227  9,259  59,410 
Consolidated net loss (38,634) (36,579) (127,717) (72,001)
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 536  718  1,120  208 
Net loss attributable to the Company $ (39,170) $ (37,297) $ (128,837) $ (72,209)
1Excludes depreciation and amortization.
2Impairment charges for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 relate to the impairment of long-lived assets in certain of the Company’s Latin American businesses.
3Other expense, net, for the six months ended June 30, 2024 includes $12.0 million of debt modification expense related to the debt transactions the Company completed in March 2024.
4Income from discontinued operations for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 reflects the net income generated during these periods by operations in Spain. Income from discontinued operations for the three months ended June 30, 2023 includes a gain of $11.2 million from the sale of our former business in Italy, partially offset by the net loss collectively generated during the period by operations in Italy (through its sale date), France and Spain. Income from discontinued operations for the six months ended June 30, 2023 includes gains of $96.4 million and $11.2 million from the sales of our former businesses in Switzerland and Italy, respectively, partially offset by the net loss collectively generated during the period by operations in Switzerland and Italy (through their sale dates) and in France and Spain, as well as income tax expense related to the sale of the former Swiss business.
Weighted Average Shares Outstanding
(In thousands) Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
2024 2023 2024 2023
Weighted average common shares outstanding – Basic and Diluted
488,740  482,373  486,244  480,448 

TABLE 2 - Selected Balance Sheet Information:
(In thousands) June 30,
December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents $ 189,300  $ 251,652 
Total current assets1
853,674  957,401 
Property, plant and equipment, net
628,038  666,344 
Total assets1
4,544,363  4,722,475 
Current liabilities (excluding current portion of long-term debt)2
832,368  883,116 
Long-term debt (including current portion of long-term debt)
5,654,686  5,631,903 
Stockholders’ deficit (3,590,577) (3,450,743)
1Total current assets and total assets include assets of discontinued operations of $139.7 million and $131.3 million at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
2Current liabilities includes liabilities of discontinued operations of $62.9 million and $68.8 million at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
TABLE 3 - Total Debt:
(In thousands)
June 30,
December 31,
Receivables-Based Credit Facility1
August 2026 $ —  $ — 
Revolving Credit Facility2
August 2026 —  — 
Term Loan Facility3
August 2028 425,000  1,260,000 
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings 5.125% Senior Secured Notes
August 2027 1,250,000  1,250,000 
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings 9.000% Senior Secured Notes
September 2028 750,000  750,000 
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings 7.875% Senior Secured Notes3
April 2030 865,000  — 
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings 7.750% Senior Notes
April 2028 995,000  995,000 
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings 7.500% Senior Notes
June 2029 1,040,000  1,040,000 
Clear Channel International B.V. 6.625% Senior Secured Notes4
August 2025 —  375,000 
Clear Channel International B.V. Term Loan Facility4
April 2027 375,000  — 
Finance leases 3,891  4,202 
Original issue discount (8,391) (2,690)
Long-term debt fees (40,814) (39,609)
Total debt
5,654,686  5,631,903 
Less: Cash and cash equivalents
(189,300) (251,652)
Net debt
$ 5,465,386  $ 5,380,251 
1As of June 30, 2024, we had $49.8 million of letters of credit outstanding and $108.2 million of excess availability under the Receivables-Based Credit Facility.
2As of June 30, 2024, we had $43.2 million of letters of credit outstanding and $106.8 million of excess availability under the Revolving Credit Facility.
3In March 2024, we issued $865.0 million aggregate principal amount of CCOH 7.875% Senior Secured Notes and used a portion of the proceeds therefrom to prepay $835.0 million of borrowings outstanding under our Term Loan Facility. At the same time, we amended our Senior Secured Credit Agreement to, among other things, refinance the $425.0 million remaining principal balance on the Term Loan Facility and to extend its maturity date from 2026 to 2028, subject to certain conditions.
4In March 2024, CCIBV entered into the CCIBV Term Loan Facility, totaling an aggregate principal amount of $375.0 million, and used the proceeds therefrom to redeem all of the outstanding $375.0 million aggregate principal amount of CCIBV Senior Secured Notes.

Supplemental Disclosures:
Reportable Segments and Segment Adjusted EBITDA
The Company has four reportable segments, which it believes best reflect how the Company is currently managed: America, which consists of the Company’s U.S. operations excluding airports; Airports, which includes revenue from U.S. and Caribbean airports; Europe-North, which consists of operations in the U.K., the Nordics and several other countries throughout northern and central Europe; and Europe-South, which consists of operations in Spain, and prior to their sales on March 31, 2023, May 31, 2023 and October 31, 2023, respectively, also consisted of operations in Switzerland, Italy and France. The Company’s remaining operations in Latin America and Singapore are disclosed as “Other.” The Company’s Europe-South segment met the criteria to be reported as discontinued operations during the third quarter of 2023. As such, results of this segment are excluded from this earnings release, which only reflects continuing operations, for all periods presented.
Segment Adjusted EBITDA is the profitability metric reported to the Company's chief operating decision maker for purposes of making decisions about allocation of resources to, and assessing performance of, each reportable segment. Segment Adjusted EBITDA is a GAAP financial measure that is calculated as Revenue less Direct operating expenses and SG&A expenses, excluding restructuring and other costs. Restructuring and other costs include costs associated with cost savings initiatives such as severance, consulting and termination costs and other special costs.
Non-GAAP Financial Information
This earnings release includes information that does not conform to U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”), including Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Corporate expenses, Funds From Operations (“FFO”) and Adjusted Funds From Operations (“AFFO”). The Company presents this information because the Company believes these non-GAAP measures help investors better understand the Company’s operating performance as compared to other out-of-home advertisers, and these metrics are widely used by such companies in practice. Please refer to the reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures to their most directly comparable GAAP financial measures below.
The Company defines, and uses, these non-GAAP financial measures as follows:
Adjusted EBITDA is defined as income (loss) from continuing operations, plus: income tax expense (benefit) attributable to continuing operations; all non-operating expenses (income), including other expense (income), loss (gain) on extinguishment of debt and interest expense, net; other operating expense (income), net; depreciation, amortization and impairment charges; share-based compensation expense included within corporate expenses; and restructuring and other costs included within operating expenses. Restructuring and other costs include costs associated with cost savings initiatives such as severance, consulting and termination costs and other special costs.
The Company uses Adjusted EBITDA as one of the primary measures for the planning and forecasting of future periods, as well as for measuring performance for compensation of Company executives and other members of Company management. The Company believes Adjusted EBITDA is useful for investors because it allows investors to view performance in a manner similar to the method used by Company management and helps improve investors' ability to understand the Company’s operating performance, making it easier to compare the Company's results with other companies that have different capital structures or tax rates. In addition, the Company believes Adjusted EBITDA is among the primary measures used externally by the Company's investors, analysts and peers in its industry for purposes of valuation and comparing the operating performance of the Company to other companies in its industry.
As part of the calculation of Adjusted EBITDA, the Company also presents the non-GAAP financial measure of “Adjusted Corporate expenses,” which the Company defines as corporate expenses excluding share-based compensation expense and restructuring and other costs.
The Company uses the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (“Nareit”) definition of FFO, which is consolidated net income (loss) before: depreciation, amortization and impairment of real estate; gains or losses from the disposition of real estate; and adjustments to eliminate unconsolidated affiliates and noncontrolling interests. The Company defines AFFO as FFO excluding discontinued operations and before the following adjustments for continuing operations: maintenance capital expenditures; straight-line rent effects; depreciation, amortization and impairment of non-real estate; loss on extinguishment of debt and debt modification expense; amortization of deferred financing costs and discounts; share-based compensation expense; deferred taxes; restructuring and other costs; transaction costs; foreign exchange transaction gain or loss; and other items, including adjustment for unconsolidated affiliates and noncontrolling interest and nonrecurring infrequent or unusual gains or losses.

The Company is not a Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”). However, the Company competes directly with REITs that present the non-GAAP measures of FFO and AFFO and, accordingly, believes that presenting such measures will be helpful to investors in evaluating the Company’s operations with the same terms used by the Company’s direct competitors. The Company calculates FFO in accordance with the definition adopted by Nareit. Nareit does not restrict presentation of non-GAAP measures traditionally presented by REITs by entities that are not REITs. In addition, the Company believes FFO and AFFO are already among the primary measures used externally by the Company’s investors, analysts and competitors in its industry for purposes of valuation and comparing the operating performance of the Company to other companies in its industry. The Company does not use, and you should not use, FFO and AFFO as an indication of the Company’s ability to fund its cash needs or pay dividends or make other distributions. Because the Company is not a REIT, the Company does not have an obligation to pay dividends or make distributions to stockholders and does not intend to pay dividends for the foreseeable future. Moreover, the presentation of these measures should not be construed as an indication that the Company is currently in a position to convert into a REIT.
A significant portion of the Company's advertising operations is conducted in foreign markets, principally Europe, and Company management reviews the results from its foreign operations on a constant dollar basis. The Company presents the GAAP measures of revenue, direct operating and SG&A expenses, corporate expenses and Segment Adjusted EBITDA, as well as the non-GAAP financial measures of Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Corporate expenses, FFO and AFFO, excluding movements in foreign exchange rates because Company management believes that viewing certain financial results without the impact of fluctuations in foreign currency rates facilitates period-to-period comparisons of business performance and provides useful information to investors. These measures, which exclude the effects of foreign exchange rates, are calculated by converting the current period's amounts in local currency to U.S. dollars using average monthly foreign exchange rates for the same period of the prior year.
Since these non-GAAP financial measures are not calculated in accordance with GAAP, they should not be considered in isolation of, or as a substitute for, the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures as an indicator of operating performance or, in the case of Adjusted EBITDA, FFO and AFFO, the Company’s ability to fund its cash needs. In addition, these measures may not be comparable to similar measures provided by other companies. See reconciliations of loss from continuing operations to Adjusted EBITDA, corporate expenses to Adjusted Corporate expenses, and consolidated net loss to FFO and AFFO in the tables set forth below. This data should be read in conjunction with the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Form 10-Qs and Form 8-Ks, which are available on the Investor Relations page of the Company’s website at
Reconciliation of Loss from Continuing Operations to Adjusted EBITDA
Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
(in thousands) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Loss from continuing operations $ (48,313) $ (38,806) $ (136,976) $ (131,411)
Income tax benefit attributable to continuing operations (2,458) (1,277) (2,191) (11,778)
Other (income) expense, net 98  (12,211) 8,444  (20,991)
Loss on extinguishment of debt
—  —  4,787  — 
Interest expense, net 107,410  104,733  215,065  207,233 
Other operating expense, net 4,622  23  6,061  3,943 
Impairment charges 18,073  —  18,073  — 
Depreciation and amortization 53,883  64,502  108,173  128,710 
Share-based compensation
7,525  6,116  12,802  10,147 
Restructuring and other costs1
2,080  19,967  5,388  20,160 
Adjusted EBITDA $ 142,920  $ 143,047  $ 239,626  $ 206,013 
1Restructuring and other costs for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 include an expense of $19.0 million recorded for the resolution of the investigation of the Company’s former indirect, non-wholly-owned subsidiary, Clear Media Limited.

Reconciliation of Corporate Expenses to Adjusted Corporate Expenses
Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
(in thousands) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Corporate expenses $ (44,704) $ (58,316) $ (84,830) $ (94,496)
Share-based compensation 7,525  6,116  12,802  10,147 
Restructuring and other costs1
1,382  19,655  3,866  19,600 
Adjusted Corporate expenses $ (35,797) $ (32,545) $ (68,162) $ (64,749)
1Restructuring and other costs for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 include an expense of $19.0 million recorded for the resolution of the investigation of the Company’s former indirect, non-wholly-owned subsidiary, Clear Media Limited.
Reconciliation of Consolidated Net Loss to FFO and AFFO
Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
(in thousands) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Consolidated net loss $ (38,634) $ (36,579) $ (127,717) $ (72,001)
Depreciation and amortization of real estate 46,509  62,880  93,315  127,634 
Net loss (gain) on disposition of real estate (excludes condemnation proceeds)1
1,930  (10,248) (3,658) (104,479)
Impairment of real estate2
16,808  —  16,808  — 
Adjustment for unconsolidated affiliates and non-controlling interests
(1,075) (1,301) (2,273) (1,172)
Funds From Operations (FFO) 25,538  14,752  (23,525) (50,018)
Less: FFO from discontinued operations
9,722  (3,131) 9,387  (37,335)
FFO from continuing operations
15,816  17,883  (32,912) (12,683)
Capital expenditures–maintenance (9,440) (13,005) (16,380) (22,229)
Straight-line rent effect (1,631) 1,214  (2,906) 2,211 
Depreciation and amortization of non-real estate 7,374  7,320  14,858  14,511 
Impairment of non-real estate2
1,265  —  1,265  — 
Loss on extinguishment of debt and debt modification expense
175  —  16,785  — 
Amortization of deferred financing costs and note discounts
2,936  2,907  5,838  5,794 
Share-based compensation 7,525  6,116  12,802  10,147 
Deferred taxes (5,861) (4,001) (5,795) (15,390)
Restructuring and other costs3
2,080  19,967  5,388  20,160 
Transaction costs 5,693  870  11,867  1,396 
Foreign exchange transaction gain
(209) (12,341) (4,026) (21,180)
Other items
(385) 1,925  2,230  2,458 
Adjusted Funds From Operations (AFFO) $ 25,338  $ 28,855  $ 9,014  $ (14,805)
1Net gain on disposition of real estate for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 includes a gain of $11.2 million from the sale of our former business in Italy and, for the six months ended June 30, 2023, includes a gain of $96.4 million from the sale of our former business in Switzerland.
2Impairment charges for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 relate to the impairment of long-lived assets in certain of the Company’s Latin American businesses.
3Restructuring and other costs for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 include an expense of $19.0 million recorded for the resolution of the investigation of the Company’s former indirect, non-wholly-owned subsidiary, Clear Media Limited.

Reconciliation of Loss from Continuing Operations Guidance1 to Adjusted EBITDA Guidance1
Full Year of 2024
(in millions) Low High
Loss from continuing operations $ (160) $ (135)
Income tax expense attributable to continuing operations
Other expense, net
Loss on extinguishment of debt
Interest expense, net 425  430 
Other operating expense, net 16  16 
Impairment charges 20  20 
Depreciation and amortization 213  213 
Share-based compensation
26  26 
Restructuring and other costs
Adjusted EBITDA $ 560  $ 590 
1Guidance excludes movements in FX
Reconciliation of Loss from Continuing Operations Guidance1 to AFFO Guidance1
Full Year of 2024
(in millions) Low High
Loss from continuing operations $ (160) $ (135)
Depreciation and amortization of real estate 184  184 
Net gain on disposition of real estate (excludes condemnation proceeds)
(2) (2)
Impairment of real estate 19  19 
Adjustment for unconsolidated affiliates and non-controlling interests
(5) (5)
FFO from continuing operations
36  61 
Capital expenditures–maintenance (40) (45)
Straight-line rent effect (7) (7)
Depreciation and amortization of non-real estate 29  29 
Loss on extinguishment of debt and debt modification expense
17  17 
Amortization of deferred financing costs and discounts 12  12 
Share-based compensation 26  26 
Deferred taxes (11) (11)
Restructuring and other costs
Foreign exchange transaction gain (5) (5)
Other items 26  26 
Adjusted Funds From Operations (AFFO) $ 90  $ 110 
1Guidance excludes movements in FX.
Conference Call
The Company will host a conference call to discuss these results on August 7, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. The conference call number is 866-424-3432 (U.S. callers) or +1 215-268-9862 (international callers). A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available on the “Events and Presentations” section of the Company’s investor website ( A replay of the webcast will be available after the live conference call on the “Events and Presentations” section of the Company’s investor website.

About Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc.
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO) is at the forefront of driving innovation in the out-of-home advertising industry. Our dynamic advertising platform is broadening the pool of advertisers using our medium through the expansion of digital billboards and displays and the integration of data analytics and programmatic capabilities that deliver measurable campaigns that are simpler to buy. By leveraging the scale, reach and flexibility of our diverse portfolio of assets, we connect advertisers with millions of consumers every month.
For further information, please contact:
Eileen McLaughlin
Vice President - Investor Relations
(646) 355-2399
Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this earnings release constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) to be materially different from any future results, performance, achievements, guidance, goals and/or targets expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The words “guidance,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “forecast,” “goals,” “targets” and similar words and expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, such as statements about our guidance, outlook, long-term forecast, goals or targets; our business plans and strategies; our expectations about the timing, closing, satisfaction of closing conditions, use of proceeds and benefits of the sales of our European businesses; expectations about certain markets; the conduct of, and expectations about, international business sales processes; industry and market trends; and our liquidity, are forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond our control and are difficult to predict.
Various risks that could cause future results to differ from those expressed by the forward-looking statements included in this earnings release include, but are not limited to: continued economic uncertainty, an economic slowdown or a recession; our ability to service our debt obligations and to fund our operations, business strategy and capital expenditures; the impact of our substantial indebtedness, including the effect of our leverage on our financial position and earnings; the difficulty, cost and time required to implement our strategy, including optimizing our portfolio, and the fact that we may not realize the anticipated benefits therefrom; our ability to obtain and renew key contracts with municipalities, transit authorities and private landlords; competition; regulations and consumer concerns regarding privacy, digital services, data protection and the use of artificial intelligence; a breach of our information security measures; legislative or regulatory requirements; restrictions on out-of-home advertising of certain products; environmental, health, safety and land use laws and regulations, as well as various actual and proposed environmental, social and governance policies, regulations and disclosure standards; the impact of the processes to sell our businesses comprising our Europe-North segment and our businesses in Latin America; the impact of the recent dispositions or agreements to dispose of the businesses in our Europe-South segment and the potential dispositions of our other international businesses, as well as other strategic transactions or acquisitions; third-party claims of intellectual property infringement, misappropriation or other violation against us or our suppliers; risks of doing business in foreign countries; fluctuations in exchange rates and currency values; volatility of our stock price; the impacts on our stock price as a result of future sales of common stock, or the perception thereof, and dilution resulting from additional capital raised through the sale of common stock or other equity-linked instruments; our ability to continue to comply with the applicable listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange; the restrictions contained in the agreements governing our indebtedness limiting our flexibility in operating our business; the effect of analyst or credit ratings downgrades; our dependence on our management team and other key individuals; continued scrutiny and changing expectations from investors, lenders, customers, government regulators, municipalities, activists and other stakeholders; and certain other factors set forth in our filings with the SEC. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date stated, or if no date is stated, as of the date of this earnings release. Other key risks are described in the section entitled "Item 1A. Risk Factors" of the Company’s reports filed with the SEC, including the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. The Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements because of new information, future events or otherwise.