Clear Channel Spectacolor Encourages New York City to Be "Greater Than AIDS"

Targeted Messages on SpectacolorHD Digital Billboard in Times Square to Fight AIDS Stigma, Raise Community Awareness & Encourage Testing

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO):

        Clear Channel Spectacolor, the U.S. market leader in spectacular sign
        displays and a division of the world's largest outdoor advertising
        company, Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO), and Greater Than AIDS, a
WHO:    national campaign developed by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a
        non-profit foundation dedicated to major U.S. health care issues, as
        well as the U.S. role in global health policy, along with the Black AIDS
        Institute, a think tank exclusively focused on acquired immune
        deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Black America.

        The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that
WHAT:   more than one million Americans are living with human immunodeficiency
        virus (HIV). Of that number, one in five (21 percent) is unaware of
        their infection1.

        Timed to Monday, June 27th, National HIV Testing Day, the Kaiser Family
        Foundation and Black AIDS Institute are teaming up with Clear Channel
        Spectacolor to unveil a Greater Than AIDSpublic service announcement
        (PSA) on Clear Channel's SpectacolorHD digital billboard in Times
        Square. Greater Than AIDS is a national movement that responds to the
        continuing HIV/AIDS crisis in the United States, with a particular focus
        on the severe and disproportionate impact of HIV on Black Americans and
        gay / bisexual men. Through a national media campaign and targeted
        community outreach, Greater Than AIDS aims to increase knowledge and
        understanding about HIV/AIDS and confront the stigma surrounding the
        disease. Clear Channel Spectacolor donated time on its billboard to
        bring mainstream attention to the AIDS epidemic.

        Clear Channel's SpectacolorHD display is a powerful out-of-home (OOH)
        platform that captures the attention of more than 500,000 people daily
        in Times Square. The Company hopes to leverage that platform on behalf
WHY:    of the Kaiser Family Foundation and Black AIDS Institute to raise
        awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS, fight the stigma associated with
        HIV and other STDs, and encourage people to protect themselves and get
        tested immediately.

        Clear Channel Communications is a founding media partner of Greater Than
        AIDS, joining the campaign at the time of its launch in 2009. Clear
        Channel provides significant donated media space throughout the year for
        Greater Than AIDS PSAs on both outdoor, including billboards, transit
        shelters, and other formats, in priority markets and across its more
        than 90 urban, contemporary and gospel radio stations nationwide.

        Clear Channel Spectacolor is proud to support the organizations'
        campaign in raising public awareness and offering a clear
        call-to-action. Overall, digital billboards have proven to be invaluable
        public service communication tools and this latest case highlights the
        important and effective role that outdoor campaigns can have in
        educating the public.

WHEN:   The Clear Channel Spectacolor Greater Than AIDS 30-second spot will run
        once per hour on Monday, June 27th.

        Set in the heart of New York City's Times Square, the SpectacolorHD
WHERE:  board is situated at 47th Street and Broadway, across from Father Duffy


    Source: Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings