Hankook Tire & Clear Channel Spectacolor TREAD on Times Square

Leading Tire Maker Unveils Spectacular Billboard to Highlight Growing U.S. Focus

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO):

        Clear Channel Spectacolor, the U.S. market leader in spectacular sign
WHO:    displays and a division of the world's largest outdoor advertising
        company, Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO), and Hankook Tire, the
        world's fastest growing tire maker.

        With the help of Clear Channel Spectacolor, Hankook Tire makes its foray
        into Times Square with a brand new 31-by-98-foot building wrap that
        replicates the tread of its acclaimed, ultra-high performance tire - the
WHAT:   Ventus V12 evo. Moreover, the billboard campaign highlights Hankook's
        "Driving Emotion" tagline, which represents the experience of driving a
        vehicle with a Hankook Tire - whether it's feeling secure because of the
        tires' grip and control, relaxed as a result of a comfortable journey,
        or exhilarated by the high performing sports or SUV tires.

        Clear Channel Spectacolor offers an array of out-of-home (OOH) marketing
        resources in major pedestrian destinations such as Times Square that
        enables brands to deliver their messages directly to consumers in a
        unique way. The Company's in-house creative services team assists
WHY:    advertisers and marketers in developing effective communication to
        engage a growing on-the-go audience. For this initiative, Clear Channel
        Spectacolor worked with Hankook Tire and its ad agency, Cheil USA, to
        create a campaign that aims to elevate the profile of the Seoul-based
        tire brand throughout North America.

        Clear Channel Spectacolor's dynamic, two dimensional vinyl billboard set
        in the Marriott Marquis rotunda in the heart of Times Square attracts a
        diverse range of more than 500,000 consumers daily. The billboard is
        center stage for such iconic events as New Year's Eve, the Thanksgiving
        Day Parade, Broadway-on-Broadway and the millions of tourist photos
        taken each year.

WHEN:   The Clear Channel Spectacolor billboard was unveiled today, Thursday,
        October 14th.

        In the vibrant center of the world-famous Times Square bow-tie on Clear
WHERE:  Channel Spectacolor's New York Marriott Marquis outdoor advertising
        property located at 1535 Broadway, between 45th and 46th streets.

    Source: Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings